Thursday 26 July 2012


Sambil-sambil rehat - coba kita selidik , negara ni - Tibet ! Terutamnya umat Islam di sana .

Mengikut maklumat dari wekipedia -  penduduk Islamnya seperti copy yang saya sertakan ini..


Tibetan mosque in Lhasa
Muslims have been living in Tibet since as early as the 8th or 9th century. In Tibetan cities, there are small communities of Muslims, known as Kachee (Kache), who trace their origin to immigrants from three main regions: Kashmir (Kachee Yul in ancient Tibetan), Ladakh and the Central Asian Turkic countries. Islamic influence in Tibet also came from Persia. After 1959 a group of Tibetan Muslims made a case for Indian nationality based on their historic roots to Kashmir and the Indian government declared all Tibetan Muslims Indian citizens later on that year.[92] Other Muslim ethnic groups who have long inhabited Tibet include Hui, Salar, Dongxiang and Bonan. There is also a well established Chinese Muslim community (gya kachee), which traces its ancestry back to the Hui ethnic group of China

Terjumpa aku satu artikel berkenaan Islam di Tibet dalam web berikut

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Web - untuk diteliti !

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