Monday 30 July 2012



Oh ya .elok kita tau lebih mendalam berkenaan negara ni sebab ..masing-masing tau ramai orang sedikit sebanyak tertumpu ke negara ini atas sebab - belajar , kerja , melancong , pasal bola ...dan sebagainya . ..sekarang Olimpik !!!

Salah satu info bagus berkenaan senarai masjid-masjid di negara ni... elok kita tiru mana yang bagus dari web ni  ..coba layari

Bagus maklumat ni ..tak percaya tengoklah sendiri ya  ...

Berkenaan Persatuan Islam di negara ni ..banyak juga ..webnya seperti di bawah

Elok di sertakan peta negara ni ..mudah kita lihat tempat-tempat tu di mana

Tentunya kita ingin tahu - ada tak Persatuan Melayu di UK ni ?  ...tentunya ada , webnya seperti di bawah

Tentu kita ingin tengok-tengok - bandarnya , tempat-tempat menarik dsb ...layari web berikut

Tak dapat pergi melancong ...dapat tengok gambarnya pun jadilah ....

Sekolah Agama Islam pun banyak rupanya di sana ....macam-macam ada disana ya ..seperti info dari web berikut ni

Satay Malaysia

Woooo.. standard betul satay kita di UK ye.....

Di Malaysia - setakat ni tak jumpa pulak macam nii....

Rasanya cukup sampai di sini kita meninjau-ninjau keadaan di UK ..lepas ni ingin ke mana ye ..


Setelah meneliti beberapa web site berkaitan negara-negara Eropah dan lain-lain tempat , rupanya perlu juga berhati-hati dengan kandungannya....dengan ilmu yang terbatas .. kerana itu aku perlu berhati-hati...

OH YA ...SEKIRANYA ADA WEB YANG SAYA SENARAIKAN , MENGANDUNGI PERKARA-PERKARA YANG SALAH ...HARAP BERITAHU YA !  maklumlah pelajaran agama ku tidak setinggi mana ! Kalau sampai Mesir lain lah ya.....

Kerana tu banyak masa ku meneliti kandungan web-web mereka....


Friday 27 July 2012


Setelah kita mengenali sedikit sebanyak masyarakat Islam di Asia Tengah dan negara-negara disekitarnya elok kita teruskan di negara-negara Eropah.

Bagaimana pula keadaan masyarakat Islamnya negara-negara Eropah ?


Layari pautan untuk tahu sedikit sebanyak berkenaan masyarakat Islam di negara ini !

Salah satu tempat yang jarang kita jumpa seperti ini di Ukraine ....

Ramai tak umat Islam di negara ini ?.... mengikut catatan di wikipedia seperti berikut

There are an estimated 500,000 Muslims in Ukraine, and about 250,000 of them are Crimean Tatars.[201] There are 487 registered Muslim communities, 368 of them on the Crimean peninsula. In addition, some 50,000 Muslims live in Kiev; mostly foreign-born.

Jumlah ni lebih kurang 0.6 % saja drp penduduknya...

Ramai non-muslim di sana ...

Nak tau salah satu persatuan Islam yang elok kita tau di rantau ini , layari web berikut

Thursday 26 July 2012


Sambil-sambil rehat - coba kita selidik , negara ni - Tibet ! Terutamnya umat Islam di sana .

Mengikut maklumat dari wekipedia -  penduduk Islamnya seperti copy yang saya sertakan ini..


Tibetan mosque in Lhasa
Muslims have been living in Tibet since as early as the 8th or 9th century. In Tibetan cities, there are small communities of Muslims, known as Kachee (Kache), who trace their origin to immigrants from three main regions: Kashmir (Kachee Yul in ancient Tibetan), Ladakh and the Central Asian Turkic countries. Islamic influence in Tibet also came from Persia. After 1959 a group of Tibetan Muslims made a case for Indian nationality based on their historic roots to Kashmir and the Indian government declared all Tibetan Muslims Indian citizens later on that year.[92] Other Muslim ethnic groups who have long inhabited Tibet include Hui, Salar, Dongxiang and Bonan. There is also a well established Chinese Muslim community (gya kachee), which traces its ancestry back to the Hui ethnic group of China

Terjumpa aku satu artikel berkenaan Islam di Tibet dalam web berikut

Nota :

Web - untuk diteliti !

Tuesday 24 July 2012



...Kita teruskan perjalanan alam maya kita ke Pakistan ..sebuah negara Islam yang maju dari segi teknologinya ....

Maklumat asas negara ini kita boleh layari dari web-web berikut

* Offical web site dari kerajaan Paksitan ..
Elok kita layari web ni sebab -- masing-masing tau kenyataan dari kerajaan Paksitan.... lebih elokkan !

Nak tengok pemandangan menarik berkenaan negara ini ..sila layari web di bawah ...pelbagai ..dan cantik-cantiklahhhh.

Sebahagian gambar pemandangan seperti di bawah ..tapi kalau nak tengok macam-macam layarilah web
tersebut ....pakistan4ever tu  ya...




Tarbela Lake, Pakistan

Tarbela Lake, Pakistan

Monday 23 July 2012


Teringin betul aku nak tau lebih pasal Afgahnistan...maklumlah ..banyak kisah-kisahnya kita tau  ... lagipun ramai orang Islam di sana....


Cam biasa elok kita layari dulu -

dan     atau pun 

Setelah meneliti kandungan web ni ( about-afghanistan ) .. menarik kerana ia ditulis oleh seorang Ibu berbangsa Amerika dan tinggal lama di negara ini.... Tak percaya coba layari dan baca !
Berkenaan Islam di negara ni ..elok kita baca petikan dari wekipedia di bawah ni


Over 99% of the Afghan population is Muslim: approximately 80–85% follow the Sunni sect, 15–19% are Shi'a, and 1% other.[76][280][281][282] Until the 1890s, the region around Nuristan was known as Kafiristan (land of the kafirs) because of its inhabitants: the Nuristanis, an ethnically distinctive people who practiced animism, polytheism and shamanism.[283] Other than Muslims, there are thousands of Sikhs and Hindus found living in different major cities of the country.[284][285] There was also a small Jewish community in Afghanistan who emigrated to Israel and the United States by the end of the last century, and only one individual by the name of Zablon Simintov remains today

Afghan children and Norwegian forces in Balkh.jpg

Afghan children and Norwegian forces in Balkh.jpg

Banyak pemandangan cantik di negara ni .. coba layari ni untuk lihat keindahan panorama dan sebagainya

Tak rugi kita tengok-tengok negara ya...

 Terjumpa web berkenaan info - senarai negarawan negara-negara , susur galur politik negara tersebut ..
webnya   bagus web ni untuk tahu sejarah pentadbiran negara-negara...

Malam ni ..sambung pemerhatian di Paksitan !

Tmn Daya


Sunday 22 July 2012


Banyak info berkenaan negara ini jika anda layari web berikut

Mengikut web ni - penduduk Islam lebih kurang 90 %. Ooooo ..bagus tu

Anda juga boleh layari

Untuk lihat photogalery mereka layarilah

Tak sempat nak copy peta , gambar dan lain-lain.

Kalau ada masa cobalah layari ...memang cantik-cantik.

Map of Uz...

Berkenaan penduduk Islam - maklumat dari web berkenaan seperti berikut


Ethnic Uzbeks are primarily adherents of the Hanafi sect of Sunni Islam, but the Wahhabi sect has flourished as well in recent years. Muslims account for about 88% of the population; Eastern Orthodox Christians account for about 9%; and others for 3%. In 2002 Uzbekistan had a significant Jewish population of about 20,000 Ashkenazi and Bukharan Jews, primarily in the cities of Tashkent, Bukhoro (Bukhara), and Samarqand (Samarkand). Almost 80,000 Jews have emigrated to Israel or the United States since independence. Minority religions listed as "other" include small communities of Korean Christians, Baptists, Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Seventh-Day Adventists, Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians, Buddhists, Baha'is, and Hare Krishnas.
Freedom of religion is guaranteed under the constitution of 1992 and there is a specific provision prohibiting the establishment of any state religion. However, the government has placed some restrictions on religious freedom. Proselytizing is prohibited by law. All religious groups must register with the government, but the government has placed strict criteria on the registration process and rejects applications on minor technicalities. For instance, a group must have a valid legal address in order to register, yet many smaller groups do not have such an office. Religious services conducted by unregistered groups are considered to be illegal. All religious literature is subject to censor by the government

Saturday 21 July 2012


Rupa-rupanya pengembaraan alam maya ini ada risikonya yang tersendiri....sehingga aku terpaksa delete post di bahagian - kemboja !

Isha Allah aku akan masukkan semula hal yang berkaitan dengan Islam di Kemboja dan Laos

Teruskan kita mengenali - Kazakhstan - ramai penduduknya beragam Islam ( > 50 % ).

Banyak info berkenaannya dalam

Selain itu kita boleh search dalam Wekipedia ! berkenaan negara ni...

Bajkonur cosmodrome rocket launch

Sebut pasal negeri ni - tentu kita ingat Dr Muzaffar ke ISS ....

Masjid utama di negara ini layari

Cantik .....

kalau ada banyak RM ...  bagus ye ke negara ni

Tak  bimbang sangat - tentu rasa lebih selamat

Memang ISLAM itu RAHMAT ...

Lama aku meneliti web berkenaan negara ni ... gambar-gambar pemandangannya cantik-cantik ...

Rasanya cukup di sini ...lain masa aku ingin meneliti lebih lanjut berkenaan negara ni..

Aku ingin - menjengok negara jiran mereka ...


Friday 20 July 2012


Sedikit berkenaan negara ni ..tidak begitu ramai orang Islam di sini ..

Walau bagaimana pun ada persatuan Islam di sini , maklumatnya seperti berikut

Mongolian Muslim Society
PO Box 1092 , Ulaanbaator,
Ulan Bator ,Mongolia,

Tel : 976-99119560

Nak tau lebih lanjut berkenaan negara di tengah benua Asia ni layarilah melalui Wekipedia.

Mengikut web ni - ada kumpulan pelajar Malaysia sedang membuat lawatan dan kajian di sana ! Syabbas...


Elok kita singah di kawasan Artik - kawasan paling utara di bumi kita ...sambil kita mengetahui keadaannya

Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.
Lompat ke: pandu arah, cari

Garisan merah menunjukkan 10°C isoterma pada bulan Julai

Imej satelit permukaan Artik
Artik adalah rantau sekitar Kutub Utara, bertentangan dengan rantau Antartika sekitar Kutub Selatan. Di hemisfera utara, Artik termasuklah Lautan Artik (yang bertindih dengan Kutub Utara) dan bahagian-bahagian Kanada, Greenland (sebuah wilayah Denmark), Rusia, Amerika Syarikat (Alaska), Iceland, Norway, Sweden dan Finland. Perkataan Artik datang daripada perkataan Yunani arktos, yang bermaksud beruang. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh lokasi buruj Ursa major, "Beruang besar", di atas wilayah Artik.

[sunting] Iklim

Iklim Artik adalah berunsur musim sejuk yang melampau dan musim panas yang sejuk. Pemendakan hampir selalu dalam bentuk salji; ia belum lagi hujan dalam dua ratus tahun. Kerpasan tahunan Artik sangat rendah dengan purata kurang daripada 51 cm (20 inci). Angin berterusan membangkitkan salji mewujudkan ilusi salji berterusan. Suhu puratanya yang paling panas boleh menjadi -37 °C (-34.6 °F) dan suhu purata paling sejuk lebih kurang -68 °C (-90.4 °F). Iklim mempengaruhi lautan, mempunyai dengan umumnya suhu-suhu lebih panas dan salji turun lebih berat daripada kawasan pedalaman yang lebih sejuk dan kering. Bagaimanapun, sepanjang tepi pesisir pantai, Lautan Artik kekal beku sepanjang tahun itu.

[sunting] Tumbuh-tumbuhan

Tumbuh-tumbuhan tundra Kutub Utara adalah terdiri daripada tanaman semak seperti graminoids, herba-herba, lichens dan mosses, yang tumbuh rapat ke tanah. Oleh kerana ia berada begitu jauh di utara ia adalah terlalu sukar untuk pokok-pokok untuk tumbuh.

[sunting] Haiwan

Haiwan utama ialah beruang polar, wolverin, rubah-rubah Artik, ptarmigan dan ikan paus beluga.
  • Beruang polar mempunyai bulu putih supaya mereka boleh menyamar dalam salji. Hal ini membolehkan mereka untuk menyelinap di belakang singa laut apabila mereka lapar.
  • Wolverin merupakan sebahagian daripada keluarga musang, dan hidup dalam lubang-lubang di dalam tanah. Walaupun ia adalah seekor binatang kecil, ia adalah amat kuat.
  • Rubah Artik adalah sukar untuk mengesan dalam salji lantaran bulu putih tebal mereka. Pada musim panas, bulu mereka bertukar menjadi warna kelabu kecoklat-coklatan.
  • Ptarmigan adalah satu jenis burung yang membuat sarang dalam gunung-gunung bersalji, di mana mereka menjaga anak-anak mereka yang masih kecil.
  • Beluga bermakna “si putih” dalam Bahasa Rusia. Ikan paus dewasa berwarna putih manakala yang kecil berwarna kelabu. Ini adalah supaya ikan paus kecil tidak boleh dilihat dengan mudah oleh pemangsa-pemangsa mereka. (Jenis ikan paus)

[sunting] Ekspolarasi saintifik

Sejak 1937 seluruh wilayah Artik telah dijelajah dengan meluas oleh Stesen ais berhanyut Soviet dan Rusia, penempatan-penempatan saintifik yang telah ditubuhkan pada ais terhanyut dan telah dibawa beribu kilometer oleh aliran ais


Sempena menyambut bulan Ramadan ni..kebetulan kembara alam maya coba memerhati suasana di Russia..terfikir aku melihat suasana bulan Ramadan di sana .. macam di Malaysia ke ?

Ramadan tent in Moscow offers festive activities / PHOTO

Oh ..ingin mengetahui maklumat lanjut berkenaan ' Russia Mufties Council ' sila layari

Tentu banyak info berkenaan pentadbiran Islam di negara tersebut dengan melayari web tersebut.Web ni dalam 2 bahasa - Rusia dan English .Boleh pilih...

 Waktu makan tiba ..ingin kita cari Restoran  ' Halal ' di Moscow... layari

Betullah - Islam Itu Mudah ! asal rajin cari Isha Allah dapat makanan halalkan....

Rasanya - banyak aku nak tau pasal negara ni ... sambung di lain masa.

Thursday 19 July 2012


Rasanya cukuplah aku mengumpul maklumat berkenaan Cina
Aku ingin terus ke utara pula ....Rusia

Berkenaan Islam di Soviet - Copy dari Wikipedia ! seperti berikut ...

The Soviet Union was a state comprising fifteen communist republics which existed from 1922 until its dissolution into a series of separate nation states in 1991. Of these fifteen republics, six had a Muslim majority, AzerbaijanKazakhstan,KirghiziaTajikistanTurkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.[1] There was also a large Muslim presence in the Volga-Ural regionand most of the population of North Caucasus of Russian Federation were Muslims and a large number of Tatar Muslims lived in Siberia and other regions.[1]
The Bolsheviks wanted to include as much as possible of the former Russian Empire within the Soviet Union. This meant they were faced with a number of contradictions as they set out to establish the Soviet Union in regions with strong Islamic influences.
Although actively encouraging atheism, Soviet authorities permitted limited religious activity in all the Muslim republics.[2]Mosques functioned in most large cities of the Central Asian republics and the Azerbaijan SSR; however, their number decreased from 25,000 in 1917 to 500 in the 1970s. In 1989, as part of the general relaxation of restrictions on religions, some additional Muslim religious associations were registered, and some of the mosques that had been closed by the government were returned to Muslim communities. The government also announced plans to permit training of limited numbers of Muslim religious leaders in courses of two- and five-year duration in Ufa and Baku, respectively.
In the late 1980s, Islam had the second largest number of believers in the Soviet Union, with between 45 and 50 million people identifying themselves as Muslims. But the Soviet Union had only about 500 working Islamic mosques, a fraction of the mosques in pre-revolutionary Russia, and Soviet law forbade Islamic religious activity outside working mosques and Islamic schools. All working mosques, religious schools, and Islamic publications were supervised by four "spiritual directorates" established by Soviet authorities to provide governmental control. The Spiritual Directorate for Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the Spiritual Directorate for the European Soviet Union and Siberia, and the Spiritual Directorate for the Northern Caucasus and Dagestan oversaw the religious life of Sunni Muslims. The Spiritual Directorate for Transcaucasia dealt with both Sunni and Shia Muslims. The overwhelming majority of the Muslims were Sunnis; only about 10 percent, most of whom lived in the Azerbaijan, were Shias.[3]

Bila aku coba mencari info berkenaan senarai Masjid di Rusia ..terjumpa aku satu artikel yang menarik untuk di baca ....saya copy seperti di bawa ni  ...bukan aku tulis ya !!

Russia becoming a Muslim state!

By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Imagine Russia in 2050! According to Paul Goble, a specialist on ethnic minorities in the Russian Federation has predicted that within the next several decades, Russia will become a Muslim majority state. There is another bad news with fast decline in country’s population. This has already become a headache for Russian politicians and policy makers. President Vladimir Putin has called already for Russian women to have more children, because demographers predict that Russia’s population will fall from 143 million to 100 million by 2050. This situation has alarmed Russians as well Western leaders, more so because analysts estimate that Muslims will comprise the majority group in Russia’s population in few decades.
The Muslim population growth rate since 1989 is between 40 and 50 percent, depending on ethnic groups. Today Russia has about 8,000 mosques while 15 years there were only 300 mosques. According to statistics, by the end of 2015, number of mosques in Russia will cross 25,000. These statistics are frightening for many ethnic Russians who associate Islam with the Kremlin’s war against insurgents in Chechnya. Russia is shrinking. Alarmed by the situation, Putin has offered incentives to women who will have more children.
He said that the government would offer 1,500 roubles for the first child, and 3,000 roubles for the second child. He further said that the government will offer financial incentives to those couples who will adopt Russian orphans. But, response to Vladimir Putin’s call is almost zero. Main reason behind fast decline in non-Muslim population in Russia is, particularly larger section of young females in the country is not in favor of having even any child. If someone has, that is also limited within one only. On the other hand, almost all the Muslim couples have at least three children. The number generally ranges between 3-5.
Talking to Blitz, a leader of Moscow’s most populated area said, if the growth of Muslim population continues in the present trend, with the serious decline in population of other religious communities, Russian might ultimately end up as a Muslim state in next two decades. He suggested massive propaganda in favor of having more children in country’s mass media as well increase in the amount of incentives. He also pointed to the fact that, in most cases, such incentives might again go to the Muslim mothers, who generally have more than one child. This is not the question of incentives; it is a matter of realization for the entire non-Muslim Russian population. They should understand that by limited number of children, they are gradually pushing the fate of the country towards an Islamic federation.
Commenting on the issue, a former diplomat said, after the fall of Soviet Union, unfortunately, the entire Russian nation has lost their nationalist spirit, because of poverty and other socio-political adversities. Now they fear in having more than a single child in the family as the cost of living has become extremely expensive, while in most cases, female members of the families are rather forced to work in various fields to bring extra money for their families.
He said, not only the number of Muslim population in Russia is on fast growth because the Muslim women have more than one child, but in recent years, a large number of Islamist NGOs are actively working in the country, which are playing desperate role in having very large number of newly converts in Islam from other religion. He further said, especially the atheist groups are gradually getting inclined towards Islam because of extensive propaganda and activities of the Islamist NGOs.
Highly educated scholars are engaged in giving sermons in mosques and other public places on a regular basis, which is putting tremendous impact on the minds of the people, especially the younger generation. These Islamic clerics are even with suits and clean shaven face. They speak different languages fluently, which is a very strong point for them to attract the attention of already educated Russian people, who are in serious economic and social distress.
He said, in contrary to activities of Islamist NGOs, there are virtually no or very few activities of missionaries of other religious faiths in Russia. Although the Islamist clerics and missions have their hidden and open missions in mind, from their faces and sermons, it is really difficult to identify anything. They initially spread the message of peace, and end up with the poison of religious hatred and jihad. These groups are even gradually capturing Russian media, through investments via Western countries, which are actually Arab money. They are even spending money in giving voice and strength to Muslim leadership, with the ultimate goal of taking over the power of Kremlin.
Comparing the new converted Russian Muslims with Muslims in other countries, he said, they are more fanatics and their beliefs are deep rooted in their minds and thoughts. They openly pronounce that, the main reason behind accepting Islam was as salvage. Poison of hatred has greatly influenced their minds. They instantly take the example of Chechnya, where Kremlin forces committed serious massacre. In their inner thoughts, there is a kind of hatred for Russian leaders and for the non-Muslims, and they want to take revenge of Chechnya case.
A senior journalist with Russian Interfax news agency told Blitz Afro-Arab sources are putting millions of dollars behind Islamist NGOs in Russia. In near future, quite a number of important seats in Russian parliament will also go into the hands of Muslim leaders. He said, in Russian press clubs, number of Muslim journalists is increasing steadily. He said, millions of dollars are spent for building mosques and Islamist institutions in different parts of Moscow and other parts in Russia. The Islamist NGOs even operate orphanages, where children from various religions are adopted and later converted to Islam.
- Asian Tribune -
Hari dah petang ...sambung di lain masa ....penat berjalan ....heeee.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Terlalu besar negeri Cina ni ya....

Maklumat pelbagai perkara boleh kita layari dari web ni

Berkenaan penduduk Islam mengikut info dari Wiki seperti copy di bawah

Islam in China dates to a mission in 651, only 18 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims initially came to China for trade, becoming prominent in the trading ports of the Song Dynasty.[354][355] Later, Muslims such as Zheng HeLan Yu andYeheidie'erding became influential in government circles, and Nanjing became an important center of Islamic study.[356] Accurate statistics on China's Muslim population are hard to find; most estimates give a figure of between 20 and 30 million Muslims (1.5% to 2% of the total population).[357][358][359][360][361]

Ramai orang Islam di Cina ni - lebih kurang 20 - 30 million !

Berminat aku nak tau berkenaan orang Islam Di Cina

Seterusnya aku coba mencari jika ada Persatuan Islam Di Cina ...

Alhamdulilah ..dapat ..seperti berikut

Islamic Association of China

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Offices of the Islamic Association of China in Beijing
The Islamic Association of China (simplified Chinese中国伊斯兰教协会traditional Chinese中國伊斯蘭教協會pinyinZhōngguó Yīsīlánjiào Xiéhuì;Wade–Giles: Chung-kuo I-szŭ-lan-chiao Hsieh-hui) claims to represent Chinese Muslims nationwide. At its inaugural meeting on May 11, 1953 inBeijing, representatives from 10 nationalities of the People's Republic of China were in attendance.
Its stated missions and duties are:
  • To assist the people's government in its implementation of the policy of freedom of religion
  • To carry forward the tradition of Islam
  • To cherish the motherland
  • To unify Muslims in participating in the socialist construction of the motherland
  • To develop friendly relations with Muslims in other countries
  • To maintain world peace
  • To collect and correct historical data about Islam

China vacations, China vacation packages and China Beijing tours.


A clickable map of Vietnam exhibiting its provinces.

Pertama sekali aku memahami negara ni melalui

Banyak info diperolehi , peratus penduduk Islam hanya 0.85 % , ya sangat sedikit sekali.
Banyak yang tidak beragama...

Dapat aku 2 nama imam yang mengurus Masjid Al-Noor di Hanoi iaitu - Imam Abbas dan Iman Abdul Salam.

Masjid-masjid di Hanoi boleh dilayari dari

Sedikit mesej - salam persahabatan aku hantar pada web masjid ni.Harap dapat bertukur-tukar info.

Cukup di sini dulu..


Tmn Daya


Layari web/blog berikut untuk tahu sedikit sebanyak berkenaan Islam di Kemboja

Monday 16 July 2012

Penjelajahan Pertama : Thailand

Aku mulakan perjalanan alam maya ke arah utara Semenanjung Malaysia.
Memandangkan negeri-negeri di Malaysia telah saya ketahui rasanya tak perlu di ulas.

Di Thailand aku coba meninjau tempat pelancongannya yang terkenal iaitu
Pulau Phuket !
Gambar-gambar yang aku dapat ambil dan tatapi dari webnya seperti di bawah.

Memanglah cantik tempat ni patutlah ramai pelancong datang ya ....

Keindahan Pulau Phuket Thailand.

Peta - Pulau Phuket

Cantiknya ciptaan Allah ya.....

Masjid Di Phuket
Sumber - Website berkenaan Phuket

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut berkenaan Phuket dari segi - geografi , kemudahan untuk penginapan dan lain-lain layari