Tuesday 14 August 2012


Berkenaan negara ini layari web-web berikut

Web no. 3 satu web bagus setelah saya teliti , sebahagian petikan dari web tersebut seperti berikut.

Saya copy catatan mereka seperti di bawah ni...

About IslamCan.com 

Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you will make IslamCan.com a part of your daily surfing. Treat this site as your own because it was designed for you.

IslamCan.com started out as a small site back in October 2001. Since then, it has grown to become one of the most visited Islamic sites on the net. The developers of the site adhere to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. We do not belong to any particular sect and simply like to call ourselves Muslims.

The goal of Islamcan.com is to provide sufficient resources to increase the faith of every human being towards Allah, our Creator. After all this is our duty as a muslim.

Here are some ways you can help IslamCan continue to spread the message of Islam:

  • Tell your friends about IslamCan.com
  • If you have a website or blog, add a link to IslamCan.
  • If you find something useful on this site, share it with your friends using the E-mail and Share buttons.
  • You may print out the articles from the site and post them on your masjid's bulletin board with a reference to IslamCan.
  • You may contribute to the cost of running the site by making a donation.
  • Most importantly, remember us in your prayers.

We ask Allah that He accepts our's and your's good deeds and gives us peace in the hereafter

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